What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain.

What is computer? What are the features of computer? Explain.
कम्प्यूटर भनेको के हो?  कम्प्यूटरका विशेषताहरु के-के हुन्? व्याख्या गर्नुहोस्।

It is an electrical device, we called electronic device because it run on electricity. It takes input from user by the help of different input devices, process given input and produces the desired output as well as stored these outputs according to your requirements knows as computer system.
यो एउटा विद्युतीय उपकरण हो, हामी विद्युतीय उपकरण भन्छौँ किनकी यो बिजुलीमा चल्छ। यसले प्रयोगकताबाट विभिन्न इनपुट उपकरणहरुको सहयोगबाट इनपुट लिन्छ, दिइएको इनपुटलाई प्रसेस गर्छ अनि चाहेको आउटपुट निकाल्छ साथै तपाइको आवश्यकता अनुसार ती आउटपुटहरुलाई भन्डारण गर्ने उपकरणलाई कम्प्यूटरलाई सिस्टम भनिन्छ।

Computers are widely used because of its simplicity and comfortably. Some important features are mentioned below:
कमप्यूटरलाई यसको सरलता र आरामदायीताले गर्दा ब्यापक रुपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। केही मुख्य विशेषताहरु तल उल्लेख गरिएको छ:


  1. Speed-गति:
    computers works on enormous speed as compared to the human beings. It’s speed measured in MHz to GHz. User given tasks or inputs to the computer and it can perform within a few seconds. It works on the fraction of seconds so speed is a most important feature of computer system.


  1. Accuracy and reliability- शुद्बता र विश्वसनियता:
    Computer always works on the 100% accuracy and reliability. It is an electronic device, electronic devices are accurate and reliable whenever computer produces any wrong output it means user gives wrong instruction it is called GIGO (Garbage in garbage out). And when you give same task number of times computer always produce same result is called reliability.


  1. Storage-भण्डारण :
    computer has a huge storage capacity. It stores large amount of datas’ for future use. The storage capacity is measured in bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB and so on. Magnetic tape, floppy disk, DVD, CD, Hard disk etc. are used for storage.


  1. Diligence: परिश्रमी/लगनशील
    Compute never tired, when human beings are performed same tasks for long time we bored as well as tired but computer never bored and tired, it performs same tasks for long time.


  1. Versatile- बहुप्रतिभाशाली
     The computer is versatile. It works different tasks on one time as well as it plays different roles in different fields. It means computer has capacity to perform many different tasks. Like computer can used for calculations, scientific research, hospitals, educations etc.As mentioned above features are encourages us to use the computer in different fields and perform the difficult tasks easily as well as enormous speed.
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