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SN | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 |
1 | Abide (नियम मान्नु) | Abided (नियम मान्यो) | Abided (नियम मानेको) | Abiding (नियम मान्दै) | Abides (नियम मान्छ) |
2 | Alight-बाल्नु | Alighted | Alighted | Alighting | Alights |
3 | Arise-उठ्नु | Arose | Arisen | Arising | Arises |
4 | Awake-ब्युझनु | Awoke | Awoken | Awaking | Awakes |
5 | Be-हुनु | Was/Were | Been | Being | Is |
6 | Bear-सहनु | Bore | Born/Borne | Bearing | Bears |
7 | Beat-कुट्नु | Beat | Beaten | Beating | Beats |
8 | Become-हुनु | Became | Become | Becoming | Becomes |
9 | Begin-शुरु गर्नु | Began | Begun | Beginning | Begins |
10 | Bend-बङ्ग्याउनु | Bent | Bent | Bending | Bends |
11 | Bet-बाजी राख्नु | Bet | Bet | Betting | Bets |
12 | Bind-बाँध्नु | Bound | Bound | Binding | Binds |
13 | Bite-टोक्नु | Bit | Bitten | Biting | Bites |
14 | Bleed-रगत आउनु | Bled | Bled | Bleeding | Bleeds |
15 | Blow-फुक्नु | Blew | Blown | Blowing | Blows |
16 | Break-भाँच्नु | Broke | Broken | Breaking | Breaks |
17 | Bring-ल्याउनु | Brought | Brought | Bringing | Brings |
18 | Broadcast-प्रसारण गर्नु | Broadcast | Broadcast | Broadcasting | Broadcasts |
19 | Build-निर्माण गर्नु | Built | Built | Building | Builds |
20 | Burn-बाल्नु | Burnt | Burnt | Burning | Burns |
21 | Buy-किन्नु | Bought | Bought | Buying | Buys |
22 | Cast-फ्याक्नुँ | Cast | Cast | Casting | Casts |
23 | Catch-समात्नु | Caught | Caught | Catching | Catches |
24 | Choose-छान्नु | Chose | Chosen | Choosing | Chooses |
25 | Clap-ताली पिट्नु | Clapped | Clapped | Clapping | Claps |
26 | Cling-टाँसिनु | Clung | Clung | Clinging | Clings |
27 | Clothe-कपडा लगाउनु | Clothed | Clothed | Clothing | Clothes |
28 | Come-आउनु | Came | Come | Coming | Comes |
29 | Cost-मुल्य पर्नु | Cost | Cost | Costing | Costs |
30 | Creep-घस्रनु | Crept | Crept | Creeping | Creeps |
31 | Cut-काट्नु | Cut | Cut | Cutting | Cuts |
32 | Dare-साहस गर्नु | Dared | Dared | Daring | Dares |
33 | Deal-व्यवहार गर्नु | Dealt | Dealt | Dealing | Deals |
34 | Dig-खन्नु | Dug | Dug | Digging | Digs |
35 | Dive-हाम फाल्नु | Dived | Dived | Diving | Dives |
36 | Do-गर्नु | Did | Done | Doing | Does |
37 | Draw-खिच्नु | Drew | Drawn | Drawing | Draws |
38 | Dream- सपना देख्नु | Dreamt | Dreamt | Dreaming | Dreams |
39 | Drink-पिउनु | Drank | Drunk | Drinking | Drinks |
40 | Drive- | Drove | Driven | Driving | Drives |
41 | Dwell | Dwelt | Dwelt | Dwelling | Dwells |
42 | Eat | Ate | Eaten | Eating | Eats |
43 | Fall | Fell | Fallen | Falling | Falls |
44 | Feed | Fed | Fed | Feeding | Feeds |
45 | Feel | Felt | Felt | Feeling | Feels |
46 | Fight | Fought | Fought | Fighting | Fights |
47 | Find | Found | Found | Finding | Finds |
48 | Fit | Fitted | Fitted | Fitting | Fits |
49 | Flee | Fled | Fled | Fleeing | Flees |
50 | Fling | Flung | Flung | Flinging | Flings |
51 | Fly | Flew | Flown | Flying | Flies |
52 | Forbid | Forbade/Forbad | Forbidden | Forbidding | Forbids |
53 | Forecast | Forecast | Forecast | Forecasting | Forecasts |
54 | Forget | Forgot | Forgotten | Forgetting | Forgets |
55 | Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven | Forgiving | Forgives |
56 | Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken | Forsaking | Forsakes |
57 | Freeze | Froze | Frozen | Freezing | Freezes |
58 | Get | Got | Got | Getting | Gets |
59 | Give | Gave | Given | Giving | Gives |
60 | Go | Went | Gone/Been | Going | Goes |
61 | Grind | Ground | Ground | Grinding | Grinds |
62 | Grow | Grew | Grown | Growing | Grows |
63 | Handwrite | Handwrote | Handwritten | Handwriting | Handwrites |
64 | Hang | Hung | Hung | Hanging | Hangs |
65 | Have | Had | Had | Having | Has |
66 | Hear | Heard | Heard | Hearing | Hears |
67 | Hide | Hid | Hidden | Hiding | Hides |
68 | Hit | Hit | Hit | Hitting | Hits |
69 | Hold | Held | Held | Holding | Holds |
70 | Hurt | Hurt | Hurt | Hurting | Hurts |
71 | Keep | Kept | Kept | Keeping | Keeps |
72 | Kneel | Knelt | Knelt | Kneeling | Kneels |
73 | Knit | Knit | Knit | Knitting | Knits |
74 | Know | Knew | Known | Knowing | Knows |
75 | Lead | Led | Led | Leading | Leads |
76 | Lean | Leant | Leant | Leaning | Leans |
77 | Leap | Leaped | Leaped | Leaping | Leaps |
78 | Learn | Learnt | Learnt | Learning | Learns |
79 | Leave | Left | Left | Leaving | Leaves |
80 | Lend | Lent | Lent | Lending | Lends |
81 | Let | Let | Let | Letting | Lets |
82 | Lie | Lay | Lain | Lying | Lies |
83 | Light | Lit | Lit | Lighting | Lights |
84 | Lose | Lost | Lost | Losing | Loses |
85 | Make | Made | Made | Making | Makes |
86 | Mean | Meant | Meant | Meaning | Means |
87 | Meet | Met | Met | Meeting | Meets |
88 | Melt | Melted | Melted | Melting | Melts |
89 | Mislead | Misled | Misled | Misleading | Misleads |
90 | Misunderstand | Misunderstood | Misunderstood | Misunderstanding | Misunderstands |
91 | Overdraw | Overdrew | Overdrawn | Overdrawing | Overdraws |
92 | Overhear | Overheard | Overheard | Overhearing | Overhears |
93 | Overtake | Overtook | Overtaken | Overtaking | Overtakes |
94 | Pay | Paid | Paid | Paying | Pays |
95 | Prove | Proved | Proved | Proving | Proves |
96 | Put | Put | Put | Putting | Puts |
97 | Quit | Quit | Quit | Quitting | Quits |
98 | Read | Read | Read | Reading | Reads |
99 | Reprove | Re-proved | Re-proved | Re-proving | Re-proves |
100 | Rid | Rid | Rid | Ridding | Rids |
101 | Ride | Rode | Ridden | Riding | Rides |
102 | Ring | Rang | Rung | Ringing | Rings |
103 | Rise | Rose | Risen | Rising | Rises |
104 | Run | Ran | Run | Running | Runs |
105 | Saw | Sawed | Sawed | Sawing | Saws |
106 | Say | Said | Said | Saying | Says |
107 | See | Saw | Seen | Seeing | Sees |
108 | Seek | Sought | Sought | Seeking | Seeks |
109 | Sell | Sold | Sold | Selling | Sells |
110 | Send | Sent | Sent | Sending | Sends |
111 | Set | Set | Set | Setting | Sets |
112 | Sew | Sewed | Sewed | Sewing | Sews |
113 | Shake | Shook | Shaken | Shaking | Shakes |
114 | Shave | Shaved | Shaved | Shaving | Shaves |
115 | Shear | Sheared | Sheared | Shearing | Shears |
116 | Shine | Shone | Shone | Shining | Shines |
117 | Shoot | Shot | Shot | Shooting | Shoots |
118 | Show | Showed | Shown | Showing | Shows |
119 | Shrink | Shrank | Shrunk | Shrinking | Shrinks |
120 | Shut | Shut | Shut | Shutting | Shuts |
121 | Sing | Sang | Sung | Singing | Sings |
122 | Sink | Sank | Sunk | Sinking | Sinks |
123 | Sit | Sat | Sat | Sitting | Sits |
124 | Slay | Slew | Slain | Slaying | Slays |
125 | Sleep | Slept | Slept | Sleeping | Sleeps |
126 | Slide | Slid | Slid | Sliding | Slides |
127 | Sling | Slung | Slung | Slinging | Slings |
128 | Slink | Slunk | Slunk | Slinking | Slinks |
129 | Slit | Slit | Slit | Slitting | Slits |
130 | Smell | Smelt | Smelt | Smelling | Smells |
131 | Sneak | Sneaked | Sneaked | Sneaking | Sneaks |
132 | Soothsay | Soothsaid | Soothsaid | Soothsaying | Soothsays |
133 | Sow | Sowed | Sown | Sowing | Sows |
134 | Speak | Spoke | Spoken | Speaking | Speaks |
135 | Speed | Sped | Sped | Speeding | Speeds |
136 | Spell | Spelt | Spelt | Spelling | Spells |
137 | Spend | Spent | Spent | Spending | Spends |
138 | Spill | Spilt/Spilled | Spilt/Spilled | Spilling | Spills |
139 | Spin | Span | Spun | Spinning | Spins |
140 | Spit | Spat/Spit | Spat/Spit | Spitting | Spits |
141 | Split | Split | Split | Splitting | Splits |
142 | Spoil | Spoilt/Spoiled | Spoilt/Spoiled | Spoiling | Spoils |
143 | Spread | Spread | Spread | Spreading | Spreads |
144 | Spring | Sprang | Sprung | Springing | Springs |
145 | Stand | Stood | Stood | Standing | Stands |
146 | Steal | Stole | Stolen | Stealing | Steals |
147 | Stick | Stuck | Stuck | Sticking | Sticks |
148 | Sting | Stung | Stung | Stinging | Stings |
149 | Stink | Stank | Stunk | Stinking | Stinks |
150 | Stride | Strode | Stridden | Striding | Strides |
151 | Strike | Struck | Stricken | Striking | Strikes |
152 | String | Strung | Strung | Stringing | Strings |
153 | Strip | Stripped | Stripped | Stripping | Strips |
154 | Strive | Strove | Striven | Striving | Strives |
155 | Swear | Swore | Sworn | Swearing | Swears |
156 | Sweat | Sweated | Sweated | Sweating | Sweats |
157 | Sweep | Swept | Swept | Sweeping | Sweeps |
158 | Swell | Swelled | Swollen | Swelling | Swells |
159 | Swim | Swam | Swum | Swimming | Swims |
160 | Swing | Swung | Swung | Swinging | Swings |
161 | Take | Took | Taken | Taking | Takes |
162 | Teach | Taught | Taught | Teaching | Teaches |
163 | Tear | Tore | Torn | Tearing | Tears |
164 | Tell | Told | Told | Telling | Tells |
165 | Think | Thought | Thought | Thinking | Thinks |
166 | Thrive | Thrived | Thrived | Thriving | Thrives |
167 | Throw | Threw | Thrown | Throwing | Throws |
168 | Thrust | Thrust | Thrust | Thrusting | Thrusts |
169 | Tread | Trod | Trodden | Treading | Treads |
170 | Undergo | Underwent | Undergone | Undergoing | Undergoes |
171 | Understand | Understood | Understood | Understanding | Understands |
172 | Undertake | Undertook | Undertaken | Undertaking | Undertakes |
173 | Upset | Upset | Upset | Upsetting | Upsets |
174 | Vex | Vexed | Vexed | Vexing | Vexes |
175 | Wake | Woke | Woken | Waking | Wakes |
176 | Wear | Wore | Worn | Wearing | Wears |
177 | Weave | Wove | Woven | Weaving | Weaves |
178 | Wed | Wed | Wed | Wedding | Weds |
179 | Weep | Wept | Wept | Weeping | Weeps |
180 | Wend | Wended | Wended | Wending | Wends |
181 | Wet | Wet | Wet | Wetting | Wets |
182 | Win | Won | Won | Winning | Wins |
183 | Wind | Wound | Wound | Winding | Winds |
184 | Wring | Wrung | Wrung | Wringing | Wrings |
185 | Write | Wrote | Written | Writing | Writes |