Write Short notes.

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What is computer? Write its major characteristics.

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Define windows operation system. What is a window in windows? Write about different types of windows.

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What is chart ? Write about any 5 charts that can be created in Ms Excel.

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What is form and report in database? Mention different parts of form and report in the context of MS Access.

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What is DOS command? Write about Internal and External Dos command with example.

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What is Printer? Different between Impact and Non-Impact Printer.

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What is presentation software? Define Microsoft PowerPoint. How can we create effective presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

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What is computer Virus? How do you know your computer is affected by virus?

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What are the basic elements of HTML? Write html tags for online registration form for training.

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Write about table in Html with example of table.

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Define word processing software. Write about any 5 features of Ms Word.

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What are ordered list and unordered list ? Give examples with html code. Order List:

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What is DBMS? What are advantages?

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Define Computer Network. Write about Internet and Extranet with their similarities and differences.

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What is HTML? Define HTML tags with its types.

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What is transmission media in Computer Network? What are its types.

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What do you mean by Bullets and Numbering? Write about different types of bullets and numbering options based on latest version of Ms Word.

Answer: Bullets and Numbering the feature of MS  Word used for creating list in documents. There…

What do you mean by relationship in database? What are its types?

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What is Operation System? Write about different types of operation system.

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What is multimedia? What are the fields of uses of multimedia?

Answer: Multimedia is multiple medium of communication. We can define multimedia as combination of different components…